

Monday, June 14, 2010

The New Member: What He May Expect

Upon becoming a master mason and paying his annual dues the new member is issued a dues receipt card, the possession of which is one of the requirements for admission as a visitor to a lodge other than his own.

The new member is at this point entitled to all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, and he is fully obligated to conform to the teachings of the fraternity. He is also obligated to discharge the duties of a master mason.

The rights and privileges of a master mason are often one and the same, but are often also distinguishable. A mason, for example, has the right to participate in the affairs of his lodge; he has the privilege of visiting other lodges. The former cannot be denied him, the latter can – but rarely is.

A new mason discovers he has entered into a highly protective organization. Members will rally to his support in time of his need, even though he may be among strangers. It does not matter what the nature of his need, the worthy Mason can always depend upon the support of his brethren, collectively and individually, at home or abroad.

Although help in time of need is most often thought of as financial aid, and frequently is, masons also come to a brother’s aid in time of emotional crisis, they assume another’s duties when he is unable for good cause to perform them, they see to the needed care and safety of a brother’s loved ones, and in many additional ways faithfully support and sustain each other.

Such support is not guaranteed by the fraternity, it is instead the consequence of the obligations Masons assume. It will be more readily forthcoming in some areas than in others, and the kind of Mason a man is and has been will often affect the extent of the assistance he receives in time of need. A Mason is not obligated to assist an unworthy brother.

Masons are very supportive of the widows and children of deceased members.

In many states a mason’s membership entitles him and his wife (and other close relatives, in some instances) to admission into Masonic homes for the aged.

The foregoing benefits, however important they may be in time of need, are not the chief or most often enjoyed benefits of Masonic membership.

Perhaps the greatest single benefit of Masonic membership is the sheer joy of participation. To be a part of Freemasonry’s fellowship, to be active in all Masonic activities – particularly in helping confer the degrees, and to merit the approbation of his brethren, are benefits the practicing mason would not trade for any material gains. An integral part of participating in Free masonry is helping provide assistance to deserving members, as earlier described. In Masonry, as everywhere, it is infinitely more blessed and more satisfying to give than to receive.

But full participation includes so much more.

The mason that regularly attends lodge meetings soon discovers this is at least one place where he can temporarily escape the controversies and pressures of today’s living. In a lodge he meets with men from every walk of life, with men of every religious and political persuasion, and who come together in a Masonic lodge with one common purpose – true fellowship.

In a Masonic lodge he will not hear one religion advanced as being superior to any other. This is forbidden, as noted in an earlier chapter.

He will not hear a political party or candidate promoted. This, too, is forbidden.

He will not hear a business or a product extolled. Also forbid den.

Simply put, he will not hear any non-Masonic position or argument advanced in a Masonic lodge. He and his fellow members will sit in complete harmony, because they share a unity of purpose.

The new mason may be the richest or the poorest member present, or he may be the most or the least prominent citizen in his community, but none of this will work to his advantage or disadvantage in a Masonic lodge. Each and every member has one voice, one vote, and identical rights.

A sergeant in the army can be master of and preside over a lodge which includes generals and other high ranking officers among its membership, and this has happened on numerous occasions. The only significant rank in a Masonic lodge is Masonic rank, and that is conferred by vote of the members.

It has been reported that when Theodore Roosevelt became a mason he discovered his gardener was serving as master of the lodge-the presiding officer. No resentment is evidenced by men of high station outside Masonry when men of lower outside station occupy positions of greater Masonic authority. Some how Masonic lodges are able to function without snobbery. Members meet on the level, a phrase explained in an earlier chapter.

Another great benefit of Masonic membership is Masonry’s universality. No matter where a mason goes in the United States, or in other free countries, he is never far from a Masonic lodge. The lodge is a home away from home for countless masons who would otherwise on many occasions be extremely lonely. An American member can feel at home, for example, in a French or a German lodge, although he may not understand a word that is spoken. The ritual will differ in some respects from nation to nation, even from state to state, but the teachings and the basics will be the same. And the all-important fellowship is ever present. Lodges go to great lengths in making welcome a visitor from far away.

Few things can be more valuable to a mason than the friendships he establishes in Freemasonry. It is said of the fraternity that it “conciliates true friendship among those who otherwise might have remained at a perpetual distance,” and few truer statements were ever made. Extremely shy individuals, men that previously found it difficult to mix with others, have been known to establish friendships by the score upon becoming Masons. Time after time Freemasonry has demonstrated its ability to bring together and unite men who would have otherwise been forever separated. The unique bonds of the fraternity are invaluable to its members.

Many lodges regularly schedule functions enabling members to involve their wives and families, thus providing family outings at which a member can be assured his family will be exposed only to that which is wholesome and uplifting. Such assurance in most modern activities is becoming ever more rare and ever more precious.

Such are some of the benefits of Masonic membership, full appreciation of which can be realized only in attainment.

As earlier noted, at the same time a Master Mason becomes entitled to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, he also obligates himself to many and various Masonic duties. These duties are not onerous. In fact, the performance of Masonic duties is the most rewarding facet of Masonic membership.

To begin with, the new Mason is obligated to live by a strict moral code, the requirements of which will not be unfamiliar to any good man accustomed to living according to the teachings of his religion and according to the laws of the land.

And the new Mason assumes unique new obligations to his fellow members and their families, and to all mankind.

Masonry’s success probably stems in large part from the fact that wherever a member turns he is reminded of the fraternity’s teachings and of his obligations to be true to them. These reminders come in such beautiful form, or in such unobtrusive manner, that the Mason never has the feeling he is being hounded or badgered.

So Freemasonry expects its members to be good men and true; true to their church, their nation, their family, their friends.

Masonry encourages each member to be active in the affairs of his community and state and nation, but always as an individual citizen and never attempting to represent Freemasonry in these matters. Masonry will not lend its name or permit its members to use its name in any political, commercial, or religious activity, but urges each member to be individually active in these areas, so long as their activities are morally correct.

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